Step by Step – feel more comfortable
Healing hands with caring and understanding; 35 years’ experience of working with people like you.

Work towards a Comfortable Body
Keep your body as flexible, comfortable and resilient as possible using stretches and self-massage.
Relax and keep calm with Aromatherapy and a blend of essential oils.
Enjoy gentle, loving nurturing Healing.
Explore innovative health advances

Coaching you through chronic pain and illness
Understand how to deal with the pain and frustration from Fibromyalgia, migraine, CFS, ME, PMR and other chronic illness. Explore how Healing may help you
Keep your medication low.
Is this affecting your relationships?
Your way out of the pain

Inner Wellbeing and Healing
Create a calmer more comfortable you with self-healing exercises
Soothe anxiety Increase self esteem with Mindfulness and EFT
Work with inner issues and strong feelings
Release inner blocks with gentle, loving and nurturing Healing.
Kick start and maintain a sense of Wellbeing.
About Fran
For 35 years I have supported men and women looking for support and answers when suffering from aching joints and muscles, chronic pain, headaches etc using MASSAGE; commonly adding a blend of AROMATHERAPY essential oils for their added therapeutic effects. My clients have found my insights into WHY the pain is there incredibly useful and COACHING became a natural part of my treatment strategy.
Our body is wonderful and will heal itself given the right environment. In many cases, an emotional issue, a flu bug or trauma has an immense impact on the condition of our bodies and minds and and it’s ability to heal.
I help you undo these effects.

For a comfortable body and a peaceful mind
Call me now! 07974 400575
Or email me
For your FREE 30 minute chat to find out how I can help you further
Work with me on Skype/Zoom - or come to me in Malvern or Hereford.