Mobile: 07974 400575

Can Healing for health challenges come via a community dedicated to nature and wildlife? Rewilding?

Is it easier to Heal ourselves alone or within a community or support group?
The answer will be different for each person.
For some people the support of a like-minded community will be an important part of their Healing process

For many people Healing is increasingly about community and caring for our planet; rewilding ourselves.
When we are struggling with our physical, mental or spiritual health taking ourselves out of our ‘pain’ by reaching out and joining a like-minded community who ‘get us’ can truly help us to find peace and a feeling that we are moving forward; making a difference. A better connection with nature and the food we eat strengthens and sustains us from within.

Would you like to feel that you are making a difference by impacting on  – biodiversity, wildlife and rewilding – keeping yourself healthy – feeling we can make a difference – sustainable food production?

Strong, sustainable and committed community is the future; supported in a faith we really can do this. This is what true Healing is about.
Making a difference with a clear intent as to where we are all going together.

Drawing down a positive energy willing and able to help us make that difference which we trust. It’s not religion, it’s not dogma, it’s not away with the angels – it’s pure, clear and positive intent to make a difference. Working together within a community, with respect for each other, brings a strong purpose to our lives and a trust that we are able to make a real difference to our struggling planet and those we love. Then we truly Heal ourselves and our beautiful planet.

Quantum physics tells us that as soon as we observe something we change it. As long as our intent is in a clear direction – and we trust we can do this – then big things can happen.

A bit of a different introduction to a Healing course. Yet, if you’re reading this I’m guessing you’d like to make a difference.

Our College of Healing students come from all walks of life – work in prisons in corporate industry one was a sheriff; many are therapists quietly making a difference to thousands of clients.

Join me for The College of Healing Beginners Foundation course click here

You may like to express your wishes for our planet and the world and the people around you – your beautiful voice – here in the safety of your own space in a journal

It’s not a diary because we don’t have to write in it every day; just when we feel we need to let our feelings flow

it’s a place We don’t need to be scared of how we come across or of saying something silly – we can let it all out and see ourselves warts and all. We don’t have to write in our journal every day ~ just when we have something to say.
Let’s not be scared of our warts they are a part of who we are – let’s accept and embrace them instead.
Let’s express how we feel about the special people around us and how we would like our outer world to look like.
How does what’s happening in the world make you feel?
How can we make a difference to our beautiful planet?
We can tell our journal about the parts of our special people which we struggle with and which make us shout and squirm inside without hurting them. Writing something down gives us a chance to see what we are really feeling and to see it in the bright light of day.

Our inner world affects our outer world and we can make a difference to our inner world now. We have the power to change this at least.
Away from it all in our journal we are able to feel a freedom to see the world and ourselves from a fresher and less cluttered perspective. To see and hear how things really are and not how another person sees them. So often it’s only too easy to see our life through another person’s glasses. To expect ourselves to be something, someone another person wants us to be rather than expressing and simply BEING who we really are. This is SUCH an easy trap to fall into and does not help the other person let alone us.
Are we being reasonable? Here in our journal we can be as childish, vulnerable, sad, angry and pathetic as we like. It’s MUCH better out than in.
The stuff we fear can pop out at the wrong time and it’s better in our journal than out there hurting them …and us….at the wrong time.

Here you are able to go digging inside, express and make a study of;
Your beliefs,
Your feelings
Your hopes
Your dreams
Your thoughts on life
Your big why….
…and out of this place of deep and raw honesty you will find out the beauty of who you truly are.

Little realisations will pop up without you expecting them. Time and time again you are realising that you really are right and what you love and cherish really is important and oh so very valid and true.
Open your eyes and see these beautiful truths inside of you like a beautiful butterfly sitting on your hand and then gently and lovingly grasp and gently hold these beautiful truths within your journal of love, truth and honesty
This is a truly transformative process

Don’t let yourself be anything other than who you are. No-one has a right to take this away from you and it’s often only us ….and not the other person….who is allowing this to happen to us. It’s only us who can grasp the nettle, and endure the pain, and trust ourselves to go out there and be raw and vulnerable and to speak our truth. If the other person cannot hear your truth does that make your truth any less true? That’s a huge NO. What you are feeling inside right now is absolutely valid and, even if your words are rejected, they are still true – because you have looked at them in your journal and have seen their truth inside of you.

You have the option now to find another person who is able to hear your truth … this may be a friend, or a community you feel drawn to join – I love my local RSPB group – even the cat for now until you find that friend who is able to hear your truth. They will be able to share their truths with you too so it’s a fair energy swop.
Or if you feel I can help you and work things through from a deeper perspective then just get in touch. I offer a free 30 minute chat so you can find out if you feel you are able to trust me with your inner demons.
I’m not a counsellor but a healer/coach. The difference is that I encourage you to put these insights and deep needs into context and we work together using meaningful questions.
You to find your own coping strategies and a more positive way forward.
We started by talking about joining a community.

Hello I’m Fran Doidge

Call me now on 07974 400575 and we can arrange a meeting by phone, Zoom/Skype or email
helping yourself be calmer and love yourself and your wonderful body
Remember the most important relationship is with yourself.
Bye for now x

BlogHealing Rewilding and Community