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What exactly IS Wellbeing? How does it feel?

The NHS 5 steps to Mental Wellbeing

1. Connect with people – creates good relationships
2. Be physically active setting simple goals and achieving them; increasing self-esteem
3. Learn new skills building a sense of self-worth and meeting new people
4. Giving to others and showing kindness towards people as well as your family creates a sense or reward and self-worth promoting feelings of happiness
5. Pay attention to the present moment = mindfulness. Your thoughts, feelings and the world around you. Savouring the moment

What about our Physical Wellbeing? How does your body feel?

We experience a feeling of WELLBEING when we are able to respond to challenges quickly and efficiently because our systems are running at an optimum level for us as the unique individual we are. 

We don’t have to feel that we have a feeling of Wellbeing all day long
Each day we have moments when we have that feeling and we can increase the number of times we feel well as we go along by following some tips. See below.

The wonderful newsletter UPLIFT tells us that  – Wellbeing is something that is hard to define and yet we all have an understanding of what it is. It derives from how you feel about yourself and your life, whether things are going well, and how you cope with stress. Wellbeing changes over time and is influenced by every aspect of our lives, from close friendships to feeling that you belong and a sense of purpose

Over 30 years as a Wellbeing therapist and Coach I have helped people feel well, helped them to address and cope with their pain and identify ways to feel better about themselves and their life as a whole.

Helping you look at ways to bring Wellbeing into your life

1. Connecting with people – creates
good relationships 

Phoning someone instead of sending an email or text
Speaking to someone new
Asking someone how their weekend was – and really listening to their answer
Give a colleague a lift to work or share your journey with them

2. Being physically active setting simple goals and achieving them; increasing self-esteem

A walk with a friend means you’re connecting and active at the same time
Walking upstairs rather than taking the lift
Getting off the bus a stop or two before your stop
Having a kick about in the park
Walking to someones desk instead of sending an email
Yoga stretches are great too
Self massage is incredibly relaxing – add a WellBeingblend of Aromatherapy essential oils
Having a massage loosens your muscles and relieves stress
Spending time in nature is really important too and there is alot of research which shows the benefits

3. Learn new skills building a sense of self-worth and meeting new people

Setting goals is strongly associated with higher levels of Wellbeing
Reading a book about something new or the news
Finding out something about a colleague
Signing up for a class
Joining a book club
Trying Sudoku or a crossword
Researching something you have wondered about

4. Giving to others and showing kindness towards people creates a sense or reward and self-worth promoting feelings of happiness

Individuals who report a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy
Research shows that committing an act of kindness once a week over a period of 6 weeks is associated with increased Wellbeing
It’s important that we are kind to ourselves as well.

5. Pay attention to the present moment = mindfulness.
Your thoughts, feelings and the world around you. Savouring the moment

Greater awareness about how you are feeling and any areas of tension in your body enhances your self understanding.
Helping you make more positive choices based on your own values and motivations.
Take some time to enjoy the moment and notice the environment AND NATURE around you

How do we care for our body too?

See the Comfortable Body page

Take good quality food supplements and I highly recommend Zinzino.


Factors which influence any pain which you are feeling

If you are experiencing pain it is useful to remember that pain is controlled by not only our nerves but also by how we are feeling about ourselves and the people around us, Any anxiety,   relationship problems,   fear  chronic illness or even panic attacks may increase our level of pain.

Tension is stored in the body and this increases toxins within your body which means there is a viscious cycle which affects our immune system as well. Pain killers do help however they are simply masking the pain and it is far better to relieve the actual muscles and soft tissue where the pain is stored.

All neurons transmitting pain eventually synapse in the thalamus of the brain. From here some run to the sensory cortex where pain perception is controlled. Each individual has a different response to pain.

Research reveals there are four areas of mental training that can significantly improve your wellbeing: Resilience, outlook, awareness, and generosity. “Each of these four is rooted in neural circuits, and each of these neural circuits exhibits plasticity,” explains Neuroscientist Richard J Davidson. “So we know that if we exercise these circuits, they will strengthen.” This is shown in studies into Neuroplasticity


Our endorphins are hormones which alter the transmission of pain and inhibit prostaglandin synthesis during the inflammatory response. When you rub or shake your hand after you bang your finger, you stimulate nerves which close the pain gate and reduces the perception of pain.

To summarise
We experience a feeling of Wellbeing when all of the amazing systems in our body are working well together as a team – seeking to keep us healthy and well;

Nerves and brain
Immune system
Digestive system
Autonomic nervous system (you will have heard it called the sympathetic nervous system)

The way our body carries out it’s work is unique according to our DNA.
We all respond to life and it’s challenges in our own way.
Our systems are guided via our hypothalamus in the brain and we have our own strengths and weaknesses.
We have to make the best of our strengths and support our weaknesses.

We experience a feeling of WELLBEING when we are able to respond to challenges quickly and efficiently because our systems are running at an optimum level for us as the unique individual we are.

Over 30 years as a Wellbeing therapist and Coach I have helped people feel well, helped them to address and cope with their pain and identify ways to feel better about themselves and their life as a whole.

Let me show you an easy happy meditation helping you feel like a Free Spirit for your Wellbeing.

Work with me to understand and increase your feelings of WELLBEING

CALL OR TEXT ME: 07974 400575
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BlogWhat is Wellbeing?